
5 Ways to Rock Social & Really Connect with Your Audience

McKeeman Communications knows how to connect and converse to get you the publicity you want for your Nashville business or nonprofit.

McKeeman Knows How to Tap Into Social

What if we were to tell you that there’s lots more to social media that you haven’t discovered, and it’s really not your fault. It takes time to build a loyal following, and a lot of skill, too, as it can be tricky to use social well without it seeming like a broadcast. But you have some great ideas, products, services – you want to tell everyone about them and you always hear that tons of folks hang out on social media. You’re stuck in a rut – how can you tap into social and get people interested in what your company has to offer?

These are all issues that McKeeman Communications sees every day. As a seasoned Nashville PR firm, we look at social media a bit differently than most. We like to discuss all the possibilities that social provides because it can be an underused communications channel (and yes, we mean that; regardless of the bushels of tweets, likes, and hearts posted every second). When we say underused, we mean that professionally speaking. There’s a nuance to communicating on social media that works, and it takes time and experience to tap into that.

One of the biggest roadblocks occurs when you don’t know which social platforms your audience prefers. That’s where we come in. McKeeman can pinpoint who you need to reach, what social channels they like, and then craft custom communications to get them talking to/about you!

We Make the Conversations Flow So the Trust Begins to Grow

Once conversations start taking shape on social, people get to know you, and start trusting you. When people trust you, they feel much more comfortable doing business with you. So how does McKeeman Communications take social media and make it a new traffic driver/conversation hub/brand builder for you? We become your partner – an extension of your business. Drawing on our Nashville public relations firm’s decades of expertise, we’ll put these 5 strategy steps to work for you:

1)      We’ll discover who you want to reach. You may already know the answer to this question – we’ll discuss it with you and ask you for any research you’ve done and find out if you’ve built out any personas that you want us to use for your campaign. Social content needs to be carefully created and matched to your intended audience. It’s a big, noisy social world out there. If they don’t get what they want on your social accounts, folks can easily go somewhere else. It’s our job to get them interested and keep them talking to you and about you.

2)      Content audits & content planning answer the question: What does your audience want? As we get to know the people you want to connect with, we’ll also be conducting a content audit of your website and all your digital assets. We’ll sift through what you’ve already created for nuggets, resources, videos, guides – anything that we can match to your audience’s preferences. We’ll save that as ‘seed content’ – this will help us get more conversations started, and then we’ll keep building interest and trust via new content creation.

New content can take many forms, depending on your audience. If you are a Nashville clothing store, and we find that your followers like articles and podcasts about how to buy the perfect suit, then we’ll build off that. We can create specific articles and short audio pieces such as ‘How to Buy the Perfect Suit for an Interview.’ Or we can do a short Q&A with you about the exceptional materials used in your suits and where they’re sourced, etc. What’s happening with this content is your company is being truly helpful to your audience, without yet asking for the sale. This type of content can not only set you up as the go-to expert in your field, but also generate a lot of interest for your product on social media and lead people back to your website to find out more.

3)      Building the content strategy requires us to set up a plan for at least one month in advance. While these social posts aren’t set in stone, it is good practice to put a plan in place, and to follow some of the conventions on social that people are used to. #MondayMotivation, #ThrowbackThursday, #WednesdayWisdom, etc. are common hashtags/themes that most people can relate to. Our job will be to match some of those themes to content in our plan. We’ll also have lots of special hashtags and themes created just for you, and we’ll help introduce those via some of the conventional themes that folks know and love on social.

4)      Inviting people to join is a great way to connect on social media and as we get to know people and provide valuable content to them, we’ll ask them to join with you. Join, become a member, subscribe, be a part of; these are phrases that resonate when people get to know a brand and like what they see: they want in. So we will welcome them by asking them to register for deals; sign up for your newsletter; join your members only savings club, etc. And since we’ll have helped build their trust via social, many of them will join and want to engage more deeply with your brand.

5)      Asking for the sale is a natural next step once trust has been built. Not everyone converts at the same rate or time – this is true for most forms of advertising. With social media, we’re working (genuinely) to create relationships. It’s better to have 100 diehard Nashville natives who love you, than 1,000 followers of questionable merit (perhaps dozens of bot accounts). McKeeman takes the time to cultivate real relationships that convert into loyal customers.

They’ll Know You, Trust You, & Want to Buy from You

Awesome! Social media offers an incredible opportunity for you and your clients and fans to engage in a two-way dialogue. It’s so much more valuable than broadcasting your sales pitches – those usually fall flat among the thousands of social posts created every day. Make your Nashville business more than another place that ‘talks at’ people. McKeeman Communications can partner with you to start and continue real conversations that help people get to know you, trust you, and enjoy doing business with you.

Ready to get started? Talk to our social media team with a free 60 minute consultation.

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