
Panel discussion: Adapting – Again, and Again – to the New Normal

We’re all working fast and furiously to learn, understand and adapt to our new normal. There are weeks when we think we have it all figured out, and then we’re hit with another curveball.

We’re excited to announce that on Thursday, June 25th at 2:00pm CT/ 3:00pm ET, our Owner/CEO, Kim McKeeman will be joining an all-star panel of business owners for a discussion focusing on the tactical and operational knowhow that you need to manage your business.

 They’’ll be talking everything from:

  • Rehiring/Hiring – What protocols make them feel safe to return to work?
  • Marketing – What and how should be communicating to customers to reassure them?
  • Business Planning – Creating new opportunities.
  • Funding – Are there funding options when EIDL and PPP are not enough?
  • New Risks – What are they and can you protect your business, employees and customers from them?

So, join our fearless leader, Kim, for the upcoming Virtual Business Fundamentals Bootcamppresented by Supporting Strategies, on June 25th.

Register today for your FREE spot!  

Panelists include:


Clay Morgan            Nicole Appel                 Timothy Dunn
BNI Middle               AtWorkSolutions          Quantum Law and Consulting


Matthew McElveen     Kim McKeeman               Julie Sellers
Capstar Bank               McKeeman Comms       Ellevated Outcomes


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