
Some things never go out of style in the marketing world

As I write this, I’m considering why we’re seeing tried and true marketing approaches – and even content – coming back. 

Nostalgia marketing is a real thing. A “rosy retrospection” happens when we remember a favorite show, song or experience – and likely the reason I saved the pack of Pokémon cards from my recent McDonald’s Happy Meal for my 29-year-old son. And, yes, he was seriously a little giddy when I gave it to him. That’s my kid.

McDonald’s is just one of several restaurant brands “bringing nostalgia back” via marketing. And it’s not just the content, it’s also the marketing approach. Take local store marketing (LSM), for example.

With the significant shift to online marketing, we’ve experienced over the last decade, cutting through that digital clutter means local, customized and authentic touchpoints that LSM delivers ten-fold.

So in searching your files for restaurant LSM best bets, consider these three things:

  • Make it personal. People want to do business with other people. When inviting people to your restaurants for events, ensure your owner or manager is front and center in any outreach, marketing, and follow-up. 
  • Give a gift. Customers come to your restaurants because they like your food so treat it like the gift that it is and give the people what they want from time to time. It’s different from discounting – I promise. 
  • Surprise and delight and…leave your four walls. “If you build it, they will come” is not a marketing strategy. Identify who you want to get in front of and do it. But bring things (food is always good) and give folks a reason to visit you.

Tune in for our next installment on sponsored content and why it should be considered for your 2024 marketing plan.

– Kim McKeeman, CEO

McKeeman Communications, a leading Raleigh, NC PR firm, specializes in partnering with companies undergoing significant growth or transformation.To discover how we can elevate your brand, reach out to us at (866) 341-2650 or drop us an email at info@mckeemanpr.com.

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