
Becky's 2017 Goal? Be More Like Grady

It’s really hard to believe that 2016 is now just a memory. It feels like I was just putting the Christmas tree up and baking cakes (still am). My question is, did I take a breath to enjoy the season? Did I take a breath and enjoy the vacation that we took last summer? When was the last time I really relaxed? I’m not sure the answer to that, but I do know that I have a new mantra for 2017 – I quit.

I quit saying yes to every committee. I quit saying yes to leading a bible study. I quit saying yes to my child, who wants something different than our previously planned dinner. I quit second guessing myself. I quit saying “This is a stupid question, but …” I quit comparing myself to others. I quit looking in the mirror and wishing someone younger, prettier, thinner was looking back.

2016 flew by in a flash. My child, now a sophomore in high school, recently told me that I only had to take “first day of school pictures” two more times, and then she’d be gone. Mother of pearl. It was a year of emotion after an exceptionally long and arduous election. My husband and I put in some crazy hours at work, and just “adulting”.  But guess what? I quit. I quit worrying about it all. 

Time continues to fly by. January 2017 is almost over and I haven’t even adjusted to writing the correct year yet. Every year I make a resolution, but 2017 is going to be the year that I truly do quit by vowing to put down the electronics, read a book (or People magazine), take better care of myself, enjoy my family and smell the roses (or the cakes that I still need to bake). 

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